3 Benefits to Metaboic Training
Metabolic Training Benefits
Below are just a few of the benefits of a metabolic style of training:
Metabolic Training Benefit #1: Improved cardiovascular capacity
While metabolic training is not “aerobic” like going for a jog, some studies have shown anaerobic exercise such as HIIT can increase in V02 max beyond that experienced by exercisers following an aerobic program.
Metabolic Training Benefit #2: Improved hormonal profile
Several studies have shown that hormones that promote “lipolysis” (the technical term for fat loss) increase as a results of high intensity strength training. I don’t want to bore you with all the studies, but strength training in general has been shown to help improve hormonal profile, and metabolic training is debatably the best type of strength training to elicit the most powerful hormonal response.
Metabolic Training Benefit #3: Serious calorie burn
While calorie burn studies come to different conclusions as to the total calorie burn of metabolic training, it certainly burns a ton of calories. The calorie burn during a workout is easily around 500 calories for a 30 minute workout, but it also increases metabolic rate from anywhere between 10% to 25% for up to 48 hours, with some studies showing an increase in metabolic rate for up to even 72 hours. This equates to hundreds of extra calories, which over the course of a few workouts can become significant.
Intuitively I think the “afterburn effect” as it’s called makes sense, because you are shocking your body, creating an oxygen debt (i.e. excess post-exercise oxygen consumption), and causing muscle damage (in a good way), which the body needs to repair to become fitter and stronger. This extra repair to get your body back to homeostasis requires a lot of extra energy, it’s just difficult for researchers to measure perfectly, especially after exercise. From my practical experience, the metabolic effect of intense strength training is real and it’s powerful.
Example Metabolic Training Exercises
Here are just a few examples of what would be considered “metabolic exercises”.
- Hang Clean & Press
- Push Press
- Snatch
- Squats
- Jump Squats holding dumbbells
- Jump Lunges holding dumbbells
- Deadlift