What’s our Mission???

Please pick one mission statement you think describes your facility The Training Floor

(read all 6 and leave a comment on your choice)


The Training Floor is a team of dedicated and passionate fitness professionals who strive to guide people of any age or activity level to a new level of fitness.  But, please don’t confuse us with your typical, cookie cutter gym! Here at The Training Floor, our goal is to provide you with challenging and innovative small group classes and one-on-one personal training that will keep your mind interested in working out and have your body showing the results that you want. Our staff is here not only to make sure that you have an effective and safe workout, but also to keep you motivated, to offer practical advice as you move towards your personal fitness goals and to give you back something that you may have thought impossible after years of dull cardio machine workouts… a sense of enthusiasm and accomplishment around every workout.  Unlike your typical gym, we will know your name, will listen to your suggestions and will constantly work to improve our services so that you can gain the most from your time spent with us.  Because, here at The Training Floor, our aim is to see all our clients not only reach their goals, but to surpass them by leaps and bounds.


 The Training Floor – It’s All About You


To provide a premier health and fitness training facility that offers clients high quality 1:1 personal training and group instruction in a private atmosphere. We are staffed by highly efficient, friendly, knowledgeable trainers that enhance the overall well being of clients through personalized structured training programs. We inspire clients daily, because we believe that, “It’s All About You.” 


Vision (looks forward)

The Training Floor is a community that is healthy, strong and vital, whose clients have the courage to take risks and attain their goals.  Our passion for fitness is fueled by our positive attitude and the desire to exceed the expectations of our clients and each other. We are a proactive facility with the highest professional standards that will continually seek out the best and newest training trends to directly benefit our clients.


The Training Floor is a facility like no other.  It truly is all about what you want to do to honor yourself.   Whether you need a once a week kick in the pants or a daily challenge to help you reach your goal, this is the place for you.  The Training Floor has talented, knowledgeable trainers who are on the cutting edge of fitness.  Their mission is complete devotion to help YOU get the lifestyle YOU deserve.


The mission of the training floor is to motivate andinspire clients at all fitness levels to optimize their fitness and health.  Through the help of professional and dedicated trainers, customized personal training and cutting edge classes your strength,endurance, balance and overall health will improve.  For individuals who want results, the training floor is the gym to make it happen. They believe “It’s all about you!”


Mission Statement


The training floor staff will foster a community that participates
in forward-thinking fitness, exercise  and health activities to
help trainees achieve their goals for a healthier lifestyle.

The Training Floor helps me to stay focus on my goals.  I feel that it is accountability headquarters.

Unlimited Classes