Spring is Near…..
It’s that time of year where the weather will start to clear up, the flowers will start to bloom and your spring break vacations are being booked! Now is the time to get back on track and get ready for the spring season! Why not get a jump start! Now is the time where your body needs that rejuvination for 2010! Start by adding more fruits into your diet, adding more cardio, taking more classes. We have the perfect programs for you to be BIKINI READY this spring break!!!!!
To Get a Jump Start – here are some foods that will help speed up your metabolism!
1. Hot Peppers
2. Broccoli
3. Almonds/Walnuts
4. Apples
5. Pears
6.Grape Fruit
7. Lean Turkey
8. Oatmeal
9. Green Tea
10. Low Calorie Soups
Following your diet; here are some GREAT classes you should consider taking :
1. Fusion
2. Cardio Boxing
3. KettleBell
4.Strength and Agility
5.Cardio Pump
Please see schedule for days and times of classes.
Its All About You!
Trainer George Kitmiridis: