Friday’s Throw Down Class

Friday’s Throw Down class was very exciting:

We had only 3 contestants, that’s right only 3!

Here is what we did:

Most push ups in 25 seconds

Most burpees in 35 seconds

Most super planks in 45 seconds

Jump rope for 60 seconds without a mistake

Sack race

Most ball slams in 45 seconds

Most sit ups in 60 seconds

Most bench dips in 35 seconds

Most burpee tosses to Ray 35 seconds

 Congratulations to Christina Olive


Vote For The Training Floor

Hi Ray,
(Its Brenda)
Fairfield County Weekly is having this “Best of” poll. I don’t think you win anything but recognition & I noticed one of the categories was Best Health Club or Best Personal Trainer.
Thought maybe you can let your clients know & ask them to vote? Maybe you’ll win & get your The Training Floor’s name in the Weekly?
I think this is a great job if our clients vote The Training Floor

Unlimited Classes