Cat, Jenn, Grainne
thanks for your support
The results are in
Cat 1 hour 47minutes
Grainne 1 hour 46 minutes
Jen 1 hour 41 minutes
Congratulations Ladies!
Go Diva Philadelphia Women’s Triathlon- July 11, 2010
Trainer Cat had an idea to take “out of the box “training to a new level and participate in multiple types of sporting events. In an effort to complete some of these events, she invited clients to take the challenge with her.
Cat, Grainne, and Jenn all participated in the Philadelphia Women’s Triathlon. The event consisted of a 750 yard swim, 17 mile bike, and 3.1 mile run route. Unfortunately, the event was changed last minute due to water issues, so no one was allowed to participate in the swimming portion. Instead all participants ran 2 miles, biked 17, and then ran another 3 miles!
Jenn finished in 1 hour 41 minutes, Cat in 1 hour 45 minutes, and Grainne in 1 hr 46 minutes.
Grainne and Jenn were so inspired by Cat and her dedication to fitness that they nominated her for an award at this event. The event sponsored an award for the most inspirational person. Grainne and Jenn wrote an essay about Cat, and she was chosen as the winner! Come in and check out her award!
More stories about the Triathlon will be coming soon!
Interested in trying one of these events? See Cat for more info… the next event is already planned!