4 Reasons You’re Miserable after a Holiday Meal
The holidays are upon us, and with them are the opportunities to spend time with family and friends, relax, and enjoy tasty meals together. For people who are on a weight loss diet, this 6-week period until early January can be a challenge. But it doesn’t have to be.
Here are four issues people commonly deal with after a holiday meal, and what you can do to minimize them.
1. Guilt. The meal lasts longer than a standard one, includes many appetizers, alcohol, and a plate loaded with multiple dishes in honor of the holiday. Instead of a standard 600-calorie dinner, a Thanksgiving meal can easily top 2000 calories. That causes a lot of stress.
Solution: Earn these calories in advance during the week leading up to the holiday meal.
2. Drowsiness. While it’s not bad to be tired, you may lose points with your spouse if you dare to fall asleep on your in-law’s couch after dinner. We get tired because the body’s energy resources are all mobilized to digest the massive amounts of food consumed during the meal.
To counteract the sleepiness, stay active – help clean up, go for a post dinner walk outside, or fool around with the children in the house.
3. Gas and bloating. This can happen when you eat too much, too fast. Some foods may induce more gas than others, based on the specific interaction of your gut bacteria population and the slush it meets in the small intestine.
To avoid embarrassment and frequent trips to the WC, try to stay away from your trigger foods. Table manners can help as well. Slow down and chew your food. Don’t talk while chewing.
4. Sluggishness. For people who normally eat small meals, the massive intake during a holiday afternoon can physically add a few pounds even before the body begins its digestion. This extra body weight will slow you down.
to counteract – don’t drop onto the lazi-boy, get up and walk around. Stay active.
Most important, enjoy the holiday!