Join the Training Floor Team as we climb to the top of Trump Parc
Ready to Challenge your Body for a Great Cause?? Join the Training Floor Team as we climb to the top of Trump Parc for the American Lung Association.
For the 3rd year in a row, The Training Floor will be sending a team to climb to the top of Trump Parc in a friendly competition with service members, and corporations all around Stamford. In prior years Trainers Cat and George have climbed with our awesome clients in this race to the top. We have done extremely well in the past and there is no doubt that we will do it again this year! Here is more information about the event:
“On Saturday, November 3rd, 2012, hundreds of people will climb their way to the top of Trump Parc Stamford for a great cause. This is more than your same-old 5K. This event is a vertical race to climb 33 floors. Whether climbing for a winning time or simply to cross the finish line, this event is a great way to challenge yourself physically. We guarantee that all finishers will have a newfound respect for healthy lungs!”
To join our team: Simply go to this website
On the left side find join team option.
Register your information.
There is a $35 registration fee, but if you enter this code, you will get a $15 discount since we are veterans to this event. Type “stepup2” in the discount box.
The event requires a minimum of $100 in donations; we know that we will surpass our team goals for this great cause. If you have any questions email Jenn for more info: [email protected]