George Kitmiridis trains for April’s Musclemania bodybuilding show
George is training for a natural bodybuilding show
April25, 2009 North Haven High School
George has competed before but has not stepped foot on stage in the last 5 years.
His body fat is currently 9.5% and is 178lb
He will bring his body fat down to 3% .
He will be competing in Light weight class or Middle weight 168-170lb
I am dieting George for this show . I have dieted at least 7 bodybuilders but none quite like George.
His genetics are beyond beliefs which makes my job tougher. Most bodybuilders loose 15-20lbs for a show.
I have to lean him out to about 3-4% body fat without loosing his size.
His diet consists of high protein and moderate carbohydrate and a good amount of leafy green vegetables, for now.
I will be changing his diet every 2 weeks. Please stay tuned for more updates on Georges body fat% and weight.
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