Cheers to success.
I’ve been training for 2 years.
2. When you first aspired to be a trainer what were your hopes and dreams versus what they are in present time?
I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives, be an active ingredient in their health. I’ve not only become that, but I’m working with children as I have always loved, and have created a community of people who depend on me. I’d only hope to continue to build and contribute to the empire of fitness in this world. To be a mouth piece for my generation of its importance.
3. What does The Training Floor represent to you?
Love, safety, a home, true friendship. Laughter, tears, emotion, success. Hard work, sweat, and long days. It makes me who I am today.
4. Do you have anything at all you’d like to share with your clients/ the training floor family?
You have all changed my life just as much if not more than I change yours. You are my family and friends, each of you a gracious gift I hope to continue to receive with open arms. I look forward to our future ventures whether it be soreness, complaints ;), and more successful results. God Bless you all. xo
-Cat Heitz
1. How long have you been training?
I’ve been training almost 8 years now.
2. When you first aspired to be a trainer what were your hopes and dreams versus what they are in present time?
Just to be a great trainer and train movie stars, professional athletes. Now its just to be successful and make the business bigger and better. I want to be known everywhere. I want people to know we are the best, and even travel from all over to want to come train with us. Our Team.
3. What does The Training Floor represent to you?
Honor, Pride, Family, Life, hard work, reaching goals, happiness
4. Do you have anything at all you’d like to share with your clients/ the training floor family?
I couldn’t be happier than to be here today with the people that are with me. My partners and my clients. We all work hard here. As far as us working and our clients working, we couldn’t have done this without our clients. They helped make this happen just as much as we did. Especially Ray though. I want to thank everyone for all of this. I wouldn’t change the way anything has gone this year at all. Love you all.
-George Kitmiridis
How long have you been training?
I have been a trainer for about 14yrs now.
2. When you first aspired to be a trainer what were your hopes and dreams versus what they are in present time?
When I first became a trainer I just wanted to get people in shape. I had no idea how I could do it but I figured if they worked out as hard as I did then they would look fine. That was almost 15 years ago and if I ever ran into any of my clients from back then I would run and hide. Over the years I have done a lot of research, gained a lot more experience and became career orientated. Fitness has open many doors; I have a big family of clients, a presence in the community and greater purpose in life. When I first got into training I just wanted to help people. I never thought that I would change people’s lives. I always knew that fitness was a positive influence on my life but I never thought that I would be able to bring that same influence upon others. Today I have a strong business built up that has become a second family, if someone would have said Ray in 10 -12 yrs you will own one of the best personal training studios in the world I would have laughed.
When I sat down a few years ago and thought about opening my own gym I wanted to create a place that was different from a regular gym. I wanted a place where people could receive constant positive feedback while exercising. I always love the song from the old show Cheers. “Where everybody knows your name”. The Training Floor was modeled after the Cheers theme. “It’s all about you!” that’s what I was after. One year has passed since we started and with a lot of help from the greatest clients in the world along with a dedicated staff, I say we pretty much painted the Cheers picture. I’m not bragging on our facility because the truth is we still have a lot of work to be done, but it dam sure feels good to see our clients enjoying themselves.
So when you ask me what The Training Floor represents to me? TF represents happiness! The kind you find from watching everyone become a part of a dream come true.
So thank you clients! I love all of you guys for believing in The Training Floor and becoming a part of our ever growing family.
-Ray Boyd
the training floor staff
written by Cat Heitz